Tech Workers

Helping grow tech employment locally

Though one of the fastest-growing high-wage jobs, we have 80% fewer technology professionals in the workforce compared to state and national averages. Education attainment and skills training are either non-existent or behind societal structures. Our set of programs unlocks access to all local individuals to affordable, immersive skills training, driven by regional employers, that are designed to provide employable entry-level skills and real-world experience, with paths to various employment, training, and education options, and ongoing support from the occupational community.

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Youth Coding League

Building awareness and tech skills in school communities

A competitive, fully-packaged team sport designed to teach all middle school and junior high students how to code and set them on a path to the highest-paying occupations in the world.

More on the Youth Coding League

Code Labs Software Developer Training

Unlocking access to immersive skills training

We're maximizing access to a diverse workforce through the Code Labs Software Developer Training Program, providing individuals the knowledge, skills, and supportive network for successful entrance and advancement in digital careers.

More on Code Labs

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