Code Labs Interview with Graduate, Crystal Campbell
Turning Crystal’s dream career into a reality through the Code Labs Full-Stack Web Developer program.
June 5, 2024

Name: Crystal Campbell
Job Title: Software Developer at Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Hometown: Springfield, MO
We caught up with Crystal Campbell, participant and recent grad of our Full-Stack Web Developer program1 to hear her take on the program, the challenges and successes she faced, and where she’s at post-graduation with her new job at Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc.2 During our reflection, we couldn’t help but notice how far Crystal has come since working through the program.
“Code Labs gave me the chance to change my life. After I dropped out of college years ago, I didn't think it was possible for me to ever get a career in tech without going into more debt. Turns out, it was!”
Keep reading to learn more about her experience, her tips for aspiring developers, and how you can join the next cohort of the Full-Stack Web Developer program!
Q & A with Crystal
Codefi: Hey Crystal! Congrats on graduating from the Full-Stack Web Developer program and thanks for taking the time to tell us more about you and your experience. Let’s dive right in. What was life like before completing the program?
Crystal Campbell: I've always been a computer nerd with aspirations of making it into a career since I was a kid. My father worked on computers as a hobby so we always had a few sitting around that I got to play with. Sometimes I had to figure out how to fix it myself first, though! In school, I would check out programming books from the library and follow along with the tutorials. I thought making a computer do something new was basically magic.
I went to college in pursuit of a degree but life got in the way and I didn't finish. For years I wanted to go back to school, but I knew I couldn't afford it. I didn't think I had any chance at my dream career.
I worked as a writer before starting the program but after the pandemic, I had trouble making ends meet. I knew I had to find a more stable career. I looked into the cost of bootcamps, or returning to school and it just wasn't possible for me to pay for without huge loans.
What was a day in the life of a program participant? What was the time commitment?
Before I started Code Labs, I made a schedule. I blocked out the recommended hours each week to study. As the course progressed, I added in extra hours when we were learning new concepts or working on projects. On average, I probably spent 25-30 hours a week outside of class.
There were plenty of times I didn't feel like studying or thought it was too hard to continue. I'd remind myself of what I was working towards, and all the opportunities I had to look forward to.
What challenges did you face when it came to the course offerings?
Sometimes I thought I understood a concept, only to realize I didn't when I tried to use it in a different context. Learning something challenging can feel like one step forward, and two steps back. Realizing that you're still making progress even if you’re struggling again with something you thought you knew is really important. I came into the course with a bit of experience and so I tried to help out the friends I made in class.
At first, I felt completely lost trying to explain concepts to others who didn't have any tech background. I had to learn how to break things down and explain them better.
I noticed that our Code Coach didn't just give you the answers. He gave us the initial understanding and the tools to find the answer on our own. I followed that principle when helping others. It was especially useful when we worked on our group projects. Sometimes I would know how to do something that a teammate didn't. Instead of just taking on extra tasks, I realized I also gained the skills to help others learn how. That experience let me gain a deeper understanding of what I was learning and build up my communication skills!
What excited you most about enrolling in the program?
I was excited about the opportunity to network with other participants. Self-learning is great, but having a local community of support is how you make real progress.
I had spent a lot of my life using the power of the internet to learn new skills, but I didn't always put them to use. I knew I needed the accountability that a more formal course would offer.

Code Labs in session.
What was it like to have support and mentorship from the Code Labs team?
Our Code Coach, German Cruz,3 was an inspiration. After each lecture, we had class time to code. He spent time with each student, going over confusing concepts and helping them troubleshoot. He seemed to have unlimited patience. He was always willing to explain things and answer questions.
It seemed like there was always someone from the Codefi team willing to help out when you needed it. During and after the course Codefi gave me guidance on my resume and helped me practice interviewing. I never felt like I was on my own.
They also introduced me to so many local tech groups that I didn't know about before and encouraged us all to be active in the community.
What was most beneficial about the employer capstone projects?
My team built a project for a local company, WareHQ Labs.4 We had the chance to use the same technologies the company uses. The company worked with us directly. We had meetings and support from the founder, Ben Pomerenke,5 during the capstone project.
We learned Vue.js and Node.js and then built a working project with it. We had to quickly figure out how to manage our time and meet deadlines. It was a bit crazy, but we had spent almost a year learning and practicing the core concepts so switching over to new technology was way easier.
Ben took the time to explain things we didn't understand and set us off in the right direction anytime we felt lost. Working with someone experienced in the industry was an amazing opportunity. One of our team members actually got a job with WareHQ shortly after and they still use our team's project!
How did the paid work experience prepare you for the workforce?
My paid work experience was with Parent ProTech,6 an education startup. They have a learning platform that teaches parents how to protect their kids on the internet, and I was able to help build that!
Even when you know how to code, it's hard to know what the day-to-day work life of a developer will look like until you're on a real project. I learned how projects and tasks are managed using Jira and then got to use it daily for the tasks that were assigned to me. I even had the chance to participate in decisions about the direction the project took and then help carry them out.
The team I worked with was amazing. They provided regular feedback and support that helped me continue to grow my skills.
The most important thing was getting to learn how developers, designers, and founders communicate and work together to plan and implement such a large project. Working with other developers on real tasks for a real company was invaluable.
What has life been like post-Code Labs?
Code Labs gave me the chance to change my life. After I dropped out of college years ago, I didn't think it was possible for me to ever get a career in tech without going into more debt. Turns out, it was!
I gained more than just tech skills during the program. Working with people who are dedicated and experienced teaches you how to be more dedicated too. I've put that to use in all areas of my life and I’ve had so many opportunities to do things that were impossible to even imagine before.
What part of the program has had the most impact on your life?
The most impactful aspect of the program was discovering my resilience. I realized that I could get through things I thought were too challenging to attempt.
The support and encouragement I received during Code Labs helped me get there.
What advice would you give to a future applicant?
Just show up. Even if you feel like you can't do it, even if you feel like it's too hard, just keep showing up and keep trying. There are so many people in Code Labs that will help you succeed if you let them! If you're struggling, don't quit, ASK FOR HELP!
You don't know what you're capable of until you try. You have a reason that you want to do this, don't talk yourself out of it. It's worth it.
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1Code Labs
2Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc.
3German Cruz
4WareHQ Labs
5Ben Pomerenke
6Parent ProTech